Village Pres Guidelines for Returning to Corporate Worship

Update: March 5, 2021

Beginning Sunday, March 7, the restrictions on mandatory usage of masks are lifted. While official guidance from governmental sources is still somewhat unclear, there is still reason to use an abundance of caution regarding the Covid virus. Your provisional elders urge that everyone respect the choices of othersregarding mask wearing if different from your own. As long as the Covid threat remains we ask that when you attend church you avoid close contact with those not in your immediate family and that you take advantage of the spacious environment of the Camperdown gymnasium to minimize the spread ofthe virus. Several overflow rooms will remain available for those who wish to take advantage of them. Please continue to pray that the Covid virus would be contained and eradicated. We will continue to observe the status of the virus and we will update our guidelines as needed. Thank you for prayers, support, and patience!

Update: December 17, 2020

Village Pres will resume Sunday morning corporate worship services on Sunday, December 20th with five new safety measures now in place:

  • (1) masks will be required when entering, exiting, or walking around the building;
  • (2) masks will be required when singing during worship;
  • (3) masks will be recommended when seated during the worship service;
  • (4) the Village Pres facilities team will exercise greater social distancing in seat set up for worship; and
  • (5) we strongly discourage attendance by anyone who has any concern that they may have, or have been exposed to, COVID-19.

May 31, 2020

Village Presbyterian Church is excited to reopen its doors for public worship again on Sunday, May 31st at Camperdown Academy.  We understand the serious nature of COVID-19 and the potential threat it presents.  We also understand that there is not a consensus on how exactly to contain the spread.  So in light of those things, Village Pres is laying out the following guidelines for our reopening.  These guidelines are fluid and will likely be modified as circumstances change.

  1. Masks – We understand the reasons for and against the use of masks, especially in worship.  But we do recognize this is an important decision.  Therefore we encourage everyone in attendance to exercise wisdom in their personal decision.  We also urge everyone to be gracious and loving to all in our church regardless of what they choose.
  2. Nursery – We will be offering a nursery, with some minor modifications in place.
    • We will have two nursery rooms, each with two nursery volunteers.
    • Nursery volunteers will exercise an abundance of caution by the liberal use of sanitizers and hand washing.
    • Each nursery room can have a maximum of only 5 children.
    • In an abundance of caution, parents of children will not be allowed into the nursery rooms at all.
    • All toys, books, and surfaces will be wiped down thoroughly before and after worship by our nursery volunteers.
  3. Socially Distanced Seating in Worship – We have two sets of precautions in place for the social distancing of chairs in worship.
    • First, we will have a number of chairs set up by our facilities team in different sections throughout the gym.  We have plenty of space in the gym to distance our chairs, and our facilities team will take the lead on this.  Facility team volunteers will wear gloves as they are setting up seating.
    • Second, we will have disinfectant wipes next to folded chairs in the gym for anyone to place their own seats.  This ensures that those who are especially concerned about the touching of their chairs will be provided for.
  4. Congregational Singing – Village Pres will include music as a part of our worship service, but it will be in a modified fashion.
    • We will have all four of our normal worship songs throughout our service.
    • However, there will be instruction for all in attendance to sing the lyrics in their hearts rather than out loud.
  5. Communion – Village Pres will continue to observe the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with two minor modifications.
    • We will use individually pre-packaged communion cups and wafers so that no one will receive elements that have been touched by other people.
    • Rev. Crout will wear gloves while distributing the elements.
  6. Fellowship Before/After Worship – We will allow for fellowship, as usual, both indoors and outdoors, before and after worship service.  However…
    • We will allow anyone wishing to go outside, right after worship, to do so before anyone begins to fellowship.  But once that occurs, we will allow children to freely play in the gym after worship as normal.  Once again, we urge everyone to be gracious and loving to all in our church regardless of what they choose
  7. Additional Modifications – We have three other minor modifications for our service
    • We will open up doors in the gym to allow for extra ventilation.
    • We will leave the fan running in the gym to allow for extra ventilation.
    • We will live stream our worship service to accommodate those who are uncomfortable returning to worship right now.